Almost everything in life is better done NOT alone. We have groups when we in school, work, everything! Its more fun that way. In this post, ill be talking about how group fitness could prove one of the best things that you could add into you life :)
To kick things off….Benefits of regular physical activity have been well informed to the public for decades (Melzer et al., 2004, Penedo et al.,2005). However, many individuals across the globe fail to engage in sufficient amounts and/or intensities levels necessary to elicit beneficial outcomes (Canadian fitness and lifestyle institute, 2008).
Even in Australia, there is still a significant amount of individuals who are deemed “inactive/sedentary”. If you are reading this, you are likley a fitness enthusiast/someone who partakes in some form of physical activity – however, is it enough?
According to the current guidelines from Department Of Health, Australia (2014) (Table 1.1), states that adults should accumulate 150 to 300 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75 to 150 mins of vigorous physical activity or an equivalent combination of both moderate and vigorous activities per week.
Table 1.1
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- Doing any is always better than none. If you are currently doing no physical activity, start doing some & progressively work up to recommended amount.
- Be active on most days, preferbly all days every week.
- Accumulate 150 to 300 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity. Or an equivalent combination of the two.
- Aim to do muscle strengthening activites on at least 2 days per week.
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- Aim to minimize amount of time spent in prolonged sitting.
- Break up long periods sitting as often as possible.
Majority of us aren’t athletes, many of us go through our day job, drive home, relax over the television. This is the general population. Reality, we may not be as motivated to partake in physical activity. Odds are, this population do not have goals & like a marathon runner trying to hit a certain time on a run, a powerlifter who wants to lift heavy weights or body composition goals like a bodybuilder. As mentioned earlier, despite the benefits of regular physical activity has been well informed to the general population, most still fail to engage in sufficient physical activity as per health regulatory guidelines.
This is where group fitness can come into play. Keyword: these are catered for a group. Group fitness can come from all sorts – from a professional AFL club to a PE lesson in primary school. Most of us fall under the general population, with a general (non-specific) goal of achieving some form of physical to reap the many potential rewards, which I will list down below in the next section:
- Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases
- Improved blood cholesterol levels
- Reduced risk of cancer & type 2 diabetes
- Stronger muscle tissues, joints & bones
- Reduced risk of falls/injuries (especially in elderly population)
- Release of chemical neurotransmitters such as serotonin & endorphins (both “feel good” hormones)
- Could indirectly serve as a “distraction” from daily life stressors, blocking out negative thoughts & emotions
- Improved self-esteem
- Improved mood state
- Decreased risk of mental illness such as depression & anxiety
This is where group fitness really stands to shine in terms of sociological benefits. You may meet new friends you never knew you would go out for coffee, trips to grocery store, walks with dogs or heck, even you could even meet your potential partner! You never know!
Early this year at Fighting Fit PT, one of the first few members I met was Trevor. He mentioned that group fitness was a good time to spend & bond with his lovely daughters. Talk about killing two birds with one stone; getting in quality physical activity & family time! Looking back, i wasn’t really close to my late dad when I was younger. The only significant times I spent with him were kickabouts at a local park. Though he really sucked, we laughed, we had fun. I could be spending that time alone playing computer games while he could spending that time alone as well drinking his favorite beer & watching the television. Which one will lead to better physiological, psychological & sociological benefits? I don’t think I have to answer that.
Closing thoughts/rants
A general population client will often come to us fitness professionals with a goal of “I wanna just get fit”. Vague, yes, but just simply having fun via group fitness classes week after week, month after month, years and so on…. they will snowball up into a big chunk of positives.
You see, group fitness may prove a useful means of getting in physical activity in the general population. There are many benefits backed by countless evidences. However, if you do have specific goals that you which to achieve personally, group fitness may not be the best option for you. Instead of giving it a bad rep if you did not achieve your specific goals, why not ask yourself why did you not do 1 to 1 personal training instead? After all, group training is catered for a group. While personal training is catered to the trainee, personally.
TDLR; Physical activity is good for you. Group fitness is fun. If you don’t have specific goals, why not give it a go? You could make new friends, bond with your family members or even discover a hidden talent of yourself from something you did in the class!
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